Individual Studies - Collage

Individual Studies was a conceptual development project rooted in my evolving relationship with the city of Chattanooga. Initially seen as an underdog in terms of beauty, the project explored how a shift in perspective can uncover the unique charm and potential of the city. Through the creation of a close-knit community of like-minded individuals, I developed a deep connection with Chattanooga, and this bond profoundly influenced my artistic process. With consistent guidance and feedback from one of my mentors, I further refined my ideas and storytelling, forming the foundation of my personal art practice.

Project Objectives

  • Explore Urban Narratives: Investigate Chattanooga’s identity as an “underdog” city and its overlooked beauty through a conceptual lens.

  • Collaborate with Mentor and Peers: Work closely with fellow creatives and receive constructive feedback from my professor to refine the project’s direction and storytelling.

  • Develop Personal Artistic Process: Use this project as a foundation for developing a personal approach to art, integrating new perspectives gained through collaboration and collage.

  • Focus on Community and Environment: Build connections within Chattanooga’s creative community, shaping a sense of place and artistic influence rooted in the city’s character and charm.

  • Present Conceptual Ideas and Publication: Share project insights and developments through discussions and presentations, enhancing my ability to communicate complex artistic ideas.


Senior Thesis Exhibition - Institute of Contemporary Art


Illustration Study - Home Aquarium